

In addition to the MBA, MG冰球突破试玩的工商管理博士学位(DBA)是美国唯一一个被世界大学管理学院(the school of Business management)列入名单的项目 Cardinal Newman Society, 展示了大学最全面和无与伦比的天主教课程  

BISMARCK, ND — The Cardinal Newman Society’s Newman Guide publication, 是与真正的天主教教育实践有关的任何事情的权威和黄金标准, 现在对MG冰球突破试玩庞大的研究生项目给予了认可. The private, Catholic university in Bismarck, ND, 它已经是美国为数不多的学院和大学之一.S. 由《MG冰球突破试玩》推荐的近60家认证机构 undergraduate programs. MG冰球突破试玩现在是仅有的几所获得认证的大学之一 graduate schools in the United States listed by the Cardinal Newman Society也是唯一一所拥有全面天主教课程选择的学校. 

在所有虔诚的天主教徒中,这份享有盛誉的名单的头条是玛利亚的受欢迎程度, customizable, Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Also, 工商管理博士(DBA)是美国唯一一个在所有红衣主教纽曼推荐的大学和学院中列出的博士课程. 现在,随着纽曼指南扩展到承认研究生水平的课程,MG冰球突破试玩 MBA, DBA, MOL, MBA/MA in Philosophy, Master of Arts in Catholic Studies, Master of Arts in Music, Master of Arts in Applied Catholic Theology, and Master of Science in Bioethics,连同七份证书,由天主教组织正式认可. 

“在一个故意和强烈反对基督徒生活和教会教导的文化中, 我们对真正的天主教教育的承诺得到认可,这是一种极大的荣誉和鼓励, not only at the undergraduate level, but now also in our extensive graduate programs,” remarked University of Mary President, Monsignor James Shea. “红衣主教纽曼协会通过仔细和顽强地审查天主教高等教育,为教会提供了巨大的服务. Now, their venture into the graduate realm means that students, families, 和工作的专业人士可以信任我们的世界一流的课程,从学士到博士水平-确保相同的教师谁是专家在各自的领域也沉浸在教会教学和天主教的知识传统. No matter how societal shifts pressure institutions like ours, 我们对真理的坚持将永远保持不变,因为对福音和教会的忠诚不会成为教育的障碍, but the very essence of its transformative power.”

在MG冰球突破试玩攻读MBA不仅仅是一种职业选择, or about a business’ bottom line. Not only are graduates of Mary’s MBA excelling in finance, accounting, management, marketing, research, and communications, but most importantly, 他们具备了真正领导力的价值观:高管的自信, the insight of a specialist, and the integrity to be a champion for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. 这意味着MG冰球突破试玩商学院的MBA学位持有者是有勇气和信念的人,他们了解自己, their purpose, and their mission. 这个学位是根据每个学生的需求和他们忙碌的生活方式定制的:灵活的,可以在短短一年内在线获得, affordable with scholarships available up to $10,000, 并且从入学开始就得到了无与伦比的教师支持. 

Like all of Mary’s graduate programs, its unmatched DBA program is efficient, manageable, 专为忙碌的专业人士而设计,他们渴望在天主教传统中尽情畅饮,同时在自己的职业中成长. 这个为期三年的项目将培养商业领袖在道德决策方面比其他人更胜一筹, integrity, insight, and ingenuity so they can craft strategies and initiatives, and see them through to success. 

“The organization’s Newman Guide, led by founder Patrick Reilly, 帮助天主教家长和学生找到忠实的天主教教育, 它认可那些拒绝妥协其天主教使命的模范机构,” stated a Cardinal Newman Society press release. 

Kelly Salomon, 红衣主教纽曼协会纽曼指南项目副总裁说, “Based on our review of the information provided, your programs and certificates model the requirements of Ex corde Ecclesiae, 你的政策与红衣主教纽曼协会倡导的政策标准一致. In addition, 在这些项目的课程中,你提供了对天主教身份的坚定承诺的证据. Congratulations on a job well done. We are proud to welcome these programs to The Newman Guide.”

According to The Cardinal Newman Society website, 承认研究生水平的课程是为了回应家庭在选择天主教研究生课程时对指导的迫切需求. Also, total student enrollment in U.S. graduate programs has doubled in the last 20 years. 

“By extending the Newman Guide into graduate programs, we are providing Catholic students with a pathway to a seamless, faithful, Catholic education. In the right graduate program, 学生可以追求先进的教育,同时沉浸在一个真正的天主教环境. 这对天主教家庭和教会的未来都是一个好消息。”所罗门补充道. 

纽曼指南在严格审查天主教大学方面赢得了值得信赖的声誉, 确保他们有强有力的政策和标准来维护天主教的身份,从学术和体育到教师招聘和MG冰球突破试玩. This has resonated with Catholic families, as more than 75,每年有5000个家庭在网上查阅纽曼指南,帮助他们找到一所忠实的天主教学院或大学. 

任何想了解更多关于MG冰球突破试玩的人都可以在 or, or by contacting an admissions representative at, or by calling (701) 355-8030

About the University of Mary: MG冰球突破试玩秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的人生教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. A private, co-educational Catholic institution, MG冰球突破试玩欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

A Christian, Catholic, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers nearly 60 bachelor’s, 18 master’s, and five doctoral programs—in Business Administration, Education, Nursing Practice, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The 20-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue 全国大学体育协会(NCAA)管理下的使命, American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA), and the USA College Clay Target League. With more than 3,800 students, Mary has locations in North Dakota, Montana, Arizona, and Rome (Italy), as well as vibrant online offerings.